We are
$25 M
$35 M
33,1 Mt
Volume of
goods handled
Number of
ships accommodated
$125 k
Contribution to
community life

Carol Soucy
/ Chairman of the board
Pierre D. Gagnon
/ President and Chief Executive Officer
When the pandemic and lockdown started, the Port sought to do things differently, reaching out to various community and family organizations to help them in a variety of ways. This outreach brought about a number of initiatives and donations (financial aid, services, and information sharing via social media) aimed at various needs and activities: the purchase of a freezer for the Centre d’action bénévole Le Virage de Sept‑Îles, the purchase of Easter eggs for all seniors in social housing, and contributions to three fundraising campaigns for L’Envol Maison de la famille, Centraide Duplessis, and l’Élyme des sables, a palliative care home in Sept‑Îles.
Other initiatives included advertising packages with TVA to promote four community organizations: Centre d’action bénévole Le Virage de Sept‑Îles, Recyk et Frip, Comptoir Alimentaire de Sept‑Îles, and L’Élyme des sables, a palliative care home in Sept‑Îles. Each ad ran for four weeks, giving these organizations regional exposure they would not otherwise have been able to afford.
We’re particularly proud of our partnership with Marée motrice and the Patinoire du gardien skating rink at Vieux Poste. This tireless and committed group of volunteers created a magical Christmas experience at Vieux‑Poste. The Port was more than happy to pitch in for upgrades to the skating oval and its enchanting site, which has become a gathering place for the Uashat mak Mani‑utenam and Sept‑Îles communities. Skaters and spectators of all ages came together to savour a moment of pure skating pleasure or a sip of hot chocolate in front of a fire as retro music echoed through the trees.
Other beneficiaries:
- Chantier Jeunesse Loisirs
- Maison Alouette
- Hommes Sept-Ils
- Station de ski Gallix
- Café jeunesse de Clarke
- Centre de dépannage du Parc Ferland
- Office municipal d’habitation de Sept-Îles
- Centre d’action bénévole de Port-Cartier
The $24.6 million growth in revenues (+18%) stems mainly from increased activities at the multi-user dock. Operating expenses fell 9% to $14.1 million due to lower administrative expenses for the year.
Higher revenues and lower operating expenses resulted in a healthy year-end operating income of $10.5 million, up $5.3 million from the previous year.

While we have achieved record levels of port activity, we made similar strides in demonstrating our commitment and leadership in sustainable management and protection of the Bay of Sept‑Îles. We supported various projects that we were proud and eager to embrace. Here are the highlights in chronological order:
Université Laval, INREST (Northern Institute for Research in Environment and Occupational Health and Safety), and the Port of Sept‑Îles announced a new research chair on coastal ecosystems and industrial and maritime port activities dedicated to improving knowledge of the functioning of coastal ecosystems in industrial and port areas in order to identify sustainable environmental management practices.
This initiative is certain to inspire many research projects, partnerships, and collaborations up and down our splendid St. Lawrence River.
Pierre D. Gagnon, President & CEO, Port of Sept‑Îles
Port of Sept-Îles Contribution
$500,000 / 5 years

* The event was attended by Chantal Rouleau, Minister for Transport and Minister Responsible for the Metropolis and the Montréal Region, and Jonatan Julien, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Minister Responsible for the Côte‑Nord Region and Minister Responsible for the Gaspésie–Îles‑de‑la‑Madeleine Region.
- Measure the impact of human activities on industrial and port areas.
- Describe and quantify the effects of these activities on various coastal areas.
- Develop methods and tools to distinguish major natural environmental changes from those linked to human activities.
- Advise and support organizations as they plan and implement sustainable solutions to adapt to the issues found.
The Port of Sept‑Îles and INREST (Northern Institute for Research in Environment and Occupational Health and Safety) were proud to welcome the Canadian Coast Guard’s research icebreaker Amundsen. The Amundsen carried the Odyssée Saint‑Laurent research program’s third winter oceanography mission to collect advanced data on the St. Lawrence Estuary ecosystem in winter. The research included taking samples at locations within the waters of the Port of Sept‑Îles. Those samples will yield strategic winter results to complement the data already collected by the Bay of Sept‑Îles Environmental Observatory.
It was a tremendous opportunity for the Port and the Observatory to welcome the Odyssée Saint‑Laurent research program and be part of its research loop. The scientific data it reveals will boost our understanding of this precious ecosystem and help us manage our operations sustainably.
Pierre D. Gagnon, President & CEO, Port of Sept‑Îles

* Réjean Porlier, Mayor of Sept‑Îles, Jean-Carlos Montero-Serrano, Lead Investigator of the Odyssée Saint‑Laurent Research Program, Julie Carrière, INREST Executive Director, Alain Gariepy, Captain of the NGCC Amundsen, Pierre D. Gagnon, President and CEO of the Port of Sept‑Îles
Our industrial port community’s commitment to the only environmental monitoring observatory on the St. Lawrence sets us apart on the national scene. This unique initiative has many other benefits, including the creation of local scientific expertise that will help the region attract and retain talent as well as the broad-ranging impacts of the research projects and numerous future partnerships.
Pierre D. Gagnon, President & CEO, Port of Sept‑Îles
Port of Sept-Îles Contribution
$250,000 / 5 years
The Centre for Industrial Port Expertise (CEIP), a division of INREST (Northern Institute for Research in Environment and Occupational Health and Safety) and the Port of Sept‑Îles proudly welcomed the Coriolis II, a floating lab with space dedicated solely to research. The ship carried a summer oceanography mission to collect advanced data on the St. Lawrence River ecosystem as part of the Odyssée Saint‑Laurent research program. INREST and its CEIP division were pleased to partner with the Quebec Maritime Network (RQM) on another Odyssée Saint‑Laurent mission. The data acquired by CEIP through its partnership with RQM will be used for environmental monitoring and to implement the Enviro‑Actions management model in the Sept‑Îles port zone. The CEIP team will also share the knowledge it acquires with other port zones.
CEIP was just launched in July and already it’s joining RQM’s Odyssey mission and contributing to the environmental monitoring being done for our invaluable bay ecosystem in Sept‑Îles. We’re pleased and proud that this leadership will also benefit our neighbouring port zones and we wish all the research teams on board the Coriolis II a highly productive mission.
Pierre D. Gagnon, President & CEO, Port of Sept‑Îles

The Port of Sept‑Îles is committed to preserving its enviable position as a global leader by leveraging its world-class, state-of-the-art port facilities, including the multi-user dock capable of handling 50 million tonnes of bulk cargo every year, making it the highest-capacity dock in North America.
The Port of Sept‑Îles is positioned as an active and inspiring partner and a model citizen dedicated to supporting initiatives that promote the well-being of its community and protect the ecosystems of the Bay of Sept‑Îles.

Quebec Iron Ore, in partnership with Investissement Quebec and the Société du Plan Nord, announced investments totaling $135 million to increase transshipment capacity at SFP Pointe‑Noire and support its plans to double production through the Bloom Lake Phase II mine expansion.
The Pacific South set sail with 80,000 tonnes of Tacora Resources iron ore and 78,500 tonnes of Tata Steel iron ore, 40,000 tonnes of which were loaded at the multi-user dock and 38,500 tonnes at the IOC dock. It’s extremely rare to carry cargo from different companies on the same ship. This is only the second time since the multi-user dock came into service, showcasing the level of flexibility the SFP Pointe‑Noire and multi-user port facilities can offer to the iron industry.
The Port of Sept‑Îles is an essential service during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Port’s priority is to safeguard the health and well-being of its employees, maritime and port personnel, and the Sept‑Îles community. In these challenging times, the Port of Sept‑Îles has been able to safely ensure continuity in the merchandise transportation logistics chain, working with shippers, ship crews, dock workers, and all supply chain stakeholders to keep goods moving and preserve the important spinoff effects of uninterrupted shipping operations.


Le Port de Sept-Îles a connu une croissance de plus de 15 % du volume manutentionné dans le port comparativement à l’an dernier avec 29,292 Mt contre 25,363 Mt l’année précédente. Il s’agit de la 4e meilleure année depuis le record de 1979 (34,948 Mt) et de la meilleure année depuis la création en 1999 de l’Administration portuaire de Sept-Îles. Ce sont 482 navires qui ont mouillé dans la baie de Sept Îles en 2019, soit 54 navires de plus que l’année précédente.
En ce qui concerne les croisières, 2019 aura fracassé les records avec 18 655 passagers et membres d’équipage. Ce sont sept escales planifiées, dont la venue du majestueux Queen Mary 2 à deux reprises, et une escale non planifiée qui ont marqué la saison, cette dernière pour échapper à l’ouragan Dorian. Le Serenade of the Seas a trouvé refuge dans le port à moins de 24 heures d’avis et y est resté pour une période de 34 heures au grand bonheur de la population et des commerçants.